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Comunidad de Madrid
The Monkey Trial

tg stan

The Monkey Trial

Spanish premiere Country: Belgium Language: English (with subtitles in Spanish) Approx duration: 3 hrs (with interval)

About the event The Monkey Trial

The Monkey Trial

The result is a sometimes hilarious exposition about biblical improbabilities in a battle fought by he-men who have right on their side...

- De Standaard


Following its success at the Brussels Theater festival and the Festival d´Automne in París, the Belgian company tg STAN - whose theatrical philosophy is to promote the work of the actor, the rejection of dogma and social commitment - presents for the first time in Spain its production, The Monkey Trial, which portrays the titanic struggle between fundamentalism and evolution, religion and science, and dogma and intellectual liberty. On July 10, 1925, the state of Tennessee brought to trial John Scopes, a young biology professor who dared to make his pupils aware of Darwin’s theory of evolution, including the relationship between human beings and monkeys... For the prosecution, presidential candidate William Jennings and for the defence, anticlerical criminal defence lawyer Clarence Darrow. On the court stand, satire, current affairs, controversy, role-reversals, humour and an almost cinematic plot development with moments of climax which recall classics such as Twelve Angry Men.


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tickets information
Venues, dates and times
Tel: 91 517 23 17
October 31 to November 2 at 9pm